Cookies policy on the

This cookie policy applies to the website which is operated by Streams s.r.o., with registered office at Karpatské námestie 7770/10A, Bratislava – urban district Rača 831 06, ID number: 56 103 760, registered in the commercial register of the Bratislava District Court III, section: Sro, insert no. 176835/B (hereinafter referred to as "cookies"). We may update this policy from time to time without notice. Therefore, we recommend that you were regularly familiarized with their wording. In case of any questions regarding the use of cookies on our website, please contact us contact by written submissions addressed to the above Streams registered office address s.r.o., or electronically at

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser when visiting a website by computer or other device of the visitor such as a mobile phone or tablet. Cookies, among other things allow the website to recognize the user's device and remember certain information about you sessions during your connection. Cookies remember the type of browser used or selected settings that remain your default settings when you visit the website again pages improving your user comfort.

What do we use cookies for?

We use cookies primarily for the purpose of improving our services and your experience browsing of this website. The collection of summary statistical data helps us ensure these purposes number of visitors, automatic selection of website language and obtaining data on how this website is used.

What specific types of cookies do we use?

We only use necessary cookies that enable the basic functions of the functioning of our website and secure access to the website. Our website cannot function without these cookies. K to such data processing takes place in accordance with §55 par. 5 of Act no. 351/2011 Coll. o electronic communications. The data will not be shared with third parties or transferred to third countries or international organizations.

We use the following cookies on our website: Temporary cookies These cookies identify your movement on our website, and their function is that you You our website remembers while you are on it. The moment you leave or close our website web browser, these cookies are automatically deleted. You can in your web browser these block cookies, but please note that in this case our website or someone its parts to function properly. Technical cookies These cookies help us keep track of whether you have given us consent to use them files cookies. We therefore use this type of cookies in order to be able to ensure your choice preferences when using our website. Legal basis for using your cookies All cookie files, with the exception of necessary cookies (cookies necessary for running and usage basic functions of the website) we store and use only on the basis of your consent. You can this consent express by clicking the "I agree" button in our cookies box.

How can I refuse cookies?

You can also reject the use of cookies by marking the "I do not agree" button in our box. Likewise you can also refuse the use of cookies by withdrawing consent or changing its scope through of the relevant cookies box function or after clicking on the link in the lower right corner. More information on how it is possible to manage the cookie policy of the most used browsers you will learn: Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari Opera